Recommending classics based on your favourite YA book

Hi Everyone!
Today I wanted to recommend some classic books, based on popular favourite YA reads. I have either read these books or had them very strongly recommended and intend to read them at some point, knowing enough about them to accurately match them to a YA book! Happy reading!

Murder on the Orient Express is a classic murder mystery from the Queen of crime herself.

Passing by Nella Larsen is a unique look at race, which I think fans of Noughts and Crosses will love.

Maurice by E.M. Forster is masterpeice of queer literature, although much darker than Heartstopper, this remains a staple of queer culture and is a must read for any Heartstopper fan looking to find queer representation in classic literature.

Pride and Prejudice is one of the greatest love stories with loveable characters, much like Eleanor and Park.

George Orwell is dystopian fiction at it's finest.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know if you're interested in a second instalment - maybe with YA recommendations based on classics? I hope you are well. 

Have you read these books? What do you think of my recommendations? What books have you been reading recently?

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p.s. casual magic of the day:

(If you are new here and have no idea what I'm on about, click here to find out more)

I'm currently in France on holiday and i went swimming in the sea for ages and the clouds were so pretty and it was MAGICAL.


  1. thank you so much! I was just looking for classics to read during summer :)

    1. You're welcome - thanks for commenting! Can't wait to hear what you read :)

  2. That's such a cool idea!!!! I have lots of classics to start reading!!

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Happy reading!


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