I'm back! Let's chat || RANDOM RAMBLE

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to my blog!! Funnily enough, my hiatus announcement post was one of my more popular ones, which is a good thing, but also sad because that was it for a while and I am not sure how many of you will still be here after a over a month of hiatus. But I'm back, so I hope some of you will be too! Of course if you are dedicated enough to be one of my lovely email subscribers, then you will receive this right into your inboxes, which I hope is a pleasant surprise! 

Now for another Random Ramble. I've done a few of these before, where I just write about whatever, and hope that someone finds even just a flicker of comfort in my words. Let's get into it!

The true reason why I took a break and went on hiatus, was because I was stressed with school, not enjoying the blog anymore, and struggling to keep up with everything. However, it is now almost the summer holidays and so I want to ease myself back into the blog. 

I don't want to reiterate everything I said in that post, however, there are a few points I would like to raise once again, just explaining why I went on a break. 

There is such a huge pressure at school. The pressure of doing well academically, the pressure of behaving in a certain way, the pressure of looking a certain way, the pressure from teachers to get involved and do everything, when really all I want to do sometimes is go through the motions of school. Don't get me wrong, for the most part I enjoy school and I definitely appreciate the opportunity to go to school and get an education. However, the whole system does come with so many unwanted stresses and pressures, which although part of everyone's school experience, are still not a fun thing to deal with. Ultimately, this led me to feel quite overwhelmed, which wasn't helped by the other things going on in my life.

This is why I took a break and why I think it is so vitally important to do so. It was heart-breaking to stop writing, but I wasn't really passionate about it anymore. But now I'm starting to regain that passion for this incredible little space, and I'm so glad I took the time to step away. 

As for the future of my blog, who knows? I have a few post ideas, but I think I'm going to start small and build it back up, so in the next few weeks, I'll be sharing book reviews and catch up posts of the best things I've read while I've been on hiatus. I've read some incredible books and I can't wait to tell you all about them!! 

There are a few unfinished series, which I don't really have the motivation to finish right now, which does make me sad, but I also want to start afresh, so I do not think I will continue them. However, if there is a particular post you would like to see, or a series you would like to see me finish (such as YA Book Of The Month or my holiday posts) then please let me know in the comments!!

I also got a new laptop whilst I was on hiatus and it's a lot better to work on so I'm excited for what I'll be able to do with that. I feel like a proper blogger now!

I'm also changing the posting schedule to Top Ten Tuesday on a Tuesday and other posts on a Saturday. I hope I can keep this up over the summer, although I will be very busy so we'll see how it goes. I think I'll probably drop Top Ten Tuesday over the holidays, but as I say, we'll just have to see!

If anyone takes the time to read this, then THANK YOU!! For still being here and for not having given up on me, I truly can't thank you enough. 

I wish you all very happy reading!

How are you? Do you have any post series you would like me to continue, or any you would like to see? What have you read recently?

Enjoyed this post? Never miss out on my reviews by clicking here! Your support is very much appreciated :)

p.s. casual magic of the day:

(If you are new here and have no idea what I'm on about, click here to find out more)

I  went to pick up a friend from the airport and as I was walking through a corridor, there were little rainbows cast by the light along the floor. It was a magical moment!


  1. Welcome back!! Blogging is tough, and takes a lot of time. School is way more important. I am retired, and still have trouble keeping up. I can't imagine doing this and school. But, I'm so glad to see you back.

    1. It has been a challenge to keep up withs school and blogging, hence why I took a break. Exams are stressful enough as it is without having a billion things I could be doing on here too! Thank you so much for coming back, it truly means so so much to me.

  2. Tellement contente de te lire à nouveau, Z ! Feels good to know you're back, and above all, so glad you're happy to write again :) Talk soon. XxX

    1. Thank you so much! Je suis très contente d'être de retour! :)

  3. I was honestly so excited to see that you were back when I got the email notification on my phone!! Definitely agree with your views on the academic system, and hope you have a well deserved rest over the summer :)

    1. Thank you!! Yes, it's a tough system and I hope you rest too, you deserve it!! Thank you so much for still being here :)

  4. Good to see you back, Zoe. You were right to take the break and it's given you a chance to get things in perspective. There are good things in school and even more good things outside school - as you rightly highlight in this super blog post. The world is indeed currently a worrying place but it's still a fascinating place and it's good to see that you are getting it in perspective. We'll look forward to future posts...but only when you feel ready, able and enthusiastic about writing them. XXX

    1. That's exactly right!! Thank you so much, I'm definitely feeling more inspired now which is good and I can't wait to share lots of bookish content with you all. Thank you so much for all your support!!

  5. I think pressure is everywhere but if you can get pass them, you'll do well. When I was in school, I was so worried about failing that I didn't dare not do my homework. But it's all a learning process.

    Taking a break from blogging, life, anything, is a great idea. I hope you're well rested.

    I hope you have fun blogging again.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I am definitely feeling well rested and taking a break is exactly what I needed!! Thank you so much for coming back. Hope you have a beautiful day too!!


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