Currently Reading | Emma, The Bilingual Brain & MORE!

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to a chatty informal post about what I am currently reading! I have a bit of a different approach to reading this year, in the sense that I'm trying to be more intentional with what I read and take my time over reading. After all, I read because I love it, not only because I can blog about it afterwards! Let me know in the comments what you are currently reading, and what you have read so far this year!

The first book that I want to talk to you about is Emma by Jane Austen. I started this about a week ago now, and I really love it so far. I'm only a few chapters in (hence the take it slowly approach) but I'm just loving reading such a fantastic book and soaking up every glorious second of it. I'm also finding that the language is not at all a barrier for me, like it perhaps was when I first read Pride and Prejudice two years ago (how was it already that long ago?). I love Jane Austen's writing and this book is just a TREAT. The characters are a little confusing right now but I'm hoping they'll become clearer as the book goes on. So far, I am LOVING Emma Woodhouse, and we've just been introduced to Harriet Smith, who I also like a lot. I'm very excited to see how the book develops!

The second book I want to chat about is The Bilingual Brain by Albert Costa. For those of you who don't know, I am bilingual and half French and I've recently been really interested in how my brain works in that sense, and how bilingual brains differ from monolingual ones and I just find language acquisition fascinating! I'm liking it so far, although it's pretty intense so I'm taking it VERY slowly! It's the kind of book I have to be in a specific mood to pick up, but I am learning so much, and I think it's one I'll return to in the future too.

I also wanted to tell you about some thoughts about the beginning of Ophelia After All by Raquel Marie. I was so so excited about this one and for some reason ended up putting it down in favour of Emma. I was enjoying it to some extent so I will be continuing with it (or restarting if I can't remember the plot enough!). I honestly don't remember that much about it, but so far I like the characters and it's giving good vibes so I think it's only a matter of time before it's on the top of the pile of books on my bedside table! 

I have also been finding a lot of joy in rereading The Heartstopper Yearbook and Heartstopper Volume 2 as well, which remain SUCH comfort reads and these books just mean so so much to me! These characters are some of my best friends and I could read these books all day!

I am also slightly ashamed to say that I started reading Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo a while back. I read a few pages and put it down as I had ARCs to read, although I will, again, definitely be picking this one back up sometime. I have to be in a really specific mood to read fantasy and at the moment I'm loving romances so fantasy isn't really on my radar right now!

Around The Blogosphere: 

- I haven't had any time to read many blogs recently, let alone comment, so if you wrote any posts you're proud of this week, then link it in the comments and I'll give it some love!!

Wow, that's a lot!! I don't usually have this many books on the go, and I have so many more to read at the moment, but I'm hoping to finish a few of them soon. Thank you so much for joining me, and make sure to let me know what you're currently reading in the comments!

Have you read any of these books? What are you currently reading? Any recommendations for me?

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p.s. casual magic of the day:

(If you are new here and have no idea what I'm on about, click here to find out more)

I performed for three nights in a row in the school musical, as a member of the band. It was the most incredible experience and I learnt so so much. I feel absolutely EXHAUSTED and ready to spend a whole evening blogging as I'm very behind, but being on stage just feels so good and I've just been buzzing after each show!! 


  1. Well done on the school musical! I can't wait to hear what you think about Emma :)
    I'm currently still reading Villette and Saplings (my Persephone Book that I got back in October - I am really enjoying it, it is just for some reason taking me ages to read), and I also recently started reading The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguru, as well as continuing to read Jane Eyre. So, I am also reading quite a few books at the same time!

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's reading A LOT of books at the moment! I am very excited to discuss Emma with you :)) Also so glad to hear you are still reading Villette (oop that's one I didn't add to the list, I still haven't finished it) and Saplings, ugh I love Persephone! I've heard so much about Kazuo Ishiguro, so you'll have to let me know what you think and if you think I'd enjoy it! I am so looking forward to all the bookish Jane Eyre chat too, as you know it's such a close favourite of mine! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, your messages always make me smile ;))

  2. You have some wonderful books that you're reading. I want to read the Hearstopper Series this year.

    1. Thank you!! Yes definitely pick Heartstopper up, it's the biggest bundle of joy 🙂 thank you so much for reading and commenting!!


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