1900-1950 Readathon: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

 Hi Everyone!

Instead of doing a wrap-up post  for the 1900-1950 readathon I am going to review each book separately which will mean I can say a little more about each book. 

This instalment is about Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, my first readathon book. I loved it so much and I am now very excited to read more of her books. Her descriptions were beautiful and this book sent shivers down my spine on more than one occasion! 

It is a chilling tale told from the perspective of an unknown narrator who meets a rich but widowed man called Maxim de Winter. They hastily marry and Maxim brings the narrator back to England and his home, a beautiful stately place called Manderley. But Manderley houses dark secrets, in the form of Maxim's first wife, Rebecca...

There are many comparisons made to Jane Eyre which I can't say too much about because of spoilers but I definately enjoyed seeing the similarities. Spoiler free, you can see that in both Jane Eyre and Rebecca you have a young woman who falls in love with a much  older man and their relationship is very similar.

I found the unnamed narrator of Rebecca very different to Jane though because Jane (as I mention in my review of Jane Eyre post) is a very outspoken character with a mind of her own, whereas the narrator of Rebecca is much more self-conscious and shy. I definately prefer Jane Eyre but I think the shyness of the narrator in Rebecca adds a huge layer to the plot. 

The ending of this book shocked me so much and I was frustrated as I just want to know what happens next! It could be considered a cliff hanger but I think it leaves you in the right place, with that final chilling line...This whole book is just that though: chilling, shocking and creepy. 

Overall, this was a great read that really left me thinking!
