Hello Everyone!
Today i am going to tell you about an incredibly moving book. It is so gripping and has a few heartbreaking moments. It is a truly amazing book that i highly recommend.
It tells the tale of Pet who lives in a lighthouse. She lives a life of bedtime stories about sea monsters. But England is at war and with war comes dark secrets. Pet's Mother or Mutti is taken away for being German and under suspicion of communication with the enemy and Pet's world is put into disarray. In the village, sabotage takes place and soon starts to get out of control, with more lies and twisted truths. But when Pet's father and sister, Magda, go away to bring back the soldiers from Dunkirk, the twisted tales and broken promises lead to an emotional chapter. The legend of the Daughters of stone that Pet eagerly heard so many times as a child had never seemed so real. With the threat of being evacuated looming, Magda and Pet have to come face to face with an old family argument. One night though, an unexpected visitor turns up and all is revealed, the sabotage, the sadness: everything. It finishes with an ending that warms your heart.
This book left me in tears but with a smile on my face. I hope it warms your heart as it did mine.
Bye for now!
Today i am going to tell you about an incredibly moving book. It is so gripping and has a few heartbreaking moments. It is a truly amazing book that i highly recommend.
It tells the tale of Pet who lives in a lighthouse. She lives a life of bedtime stories about sea monsters. But England is at war and with war comes dark secrets. Pet's Mother or Mutti is taken away for being German and under suspicion of communication with the enemy and Pet's world is put into disarray. In the village, sabotage takes place and soon starts to get out of control, with more lies and twisted truths. But when Pet's father and sister, Magda, go away to bring back the soldiers from Dunkirk, the twisted tales and broken promises lead to an emotional chapter. The legend of the Daughters of stone that Pet eagerly heard so many times as a child had never seemed so real. With the threat of being evacuated looming, Magda and Pet have to come face to face with an old family argument. One night though, an unexpected visitor turns up and all is revealed, the sabotage, the sadness: everything. It finishes with an ending that warms your heart.
This book left me in tears but with a smile on my face. I hope it warms your heart as it did mine.
Bye for now!

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